My photos of my trip to Mississauga, Ontario, Saint Gerome, Quebec, Baltimore, MD and Washington, DC

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October 31 to November 11, 2011

To all my friends and family,

This page contains photos of my trip to Mississauga, Ontario, Saint Jerome, Quebec, Baltimore, MD and Washington, DC.

I went to Mississauga, Ontario because my dad had to get his annual EPD food allergy shot.

On Sunday, October 30th we left rural Mexico, MO at 6:08 am. We arrived in Lansing, Michigan at 5:00 p.m. eastern time. We stayed in Lansing on this night. We traveled 539 miles on this day.

On Monday, November 31st we left Lansing, Michigan at 8:23 am. We arrived in Mississauga, Ontario at 1:47 p.m. We traveled 301 miles on this day. After we got here we went shopping at the Highland Farms food market. This is my favorite store to shop in Canada.

On Tuesday, November 1st we visited the Ontario Science Center in Toronto, Ontario. There were some new things to see. I liked the robot display the best.

On Wednesday, November 2nd we visited the Mississauga, ON city park by Lake Ontario. I saw a lot of ducks, geese and even swans there. It was nice and it was around 60 degrees and sunny on this day.

On Thursday, November 3rd we went to the doctor with dad and he got his allergy shot at 10:30 am. We spent the rest of the day at the hotel just relaxing. It was very cloudy and cold on this day. 

On Friday, November 4th my mom and I washed laundry at the hotel in the morning. I went to Tim Hortons to get a cup of coffee. It was sunny and cold on this day.

On Saturday, November 5th we left Mississauga, Ontario at 8:34 a.m. eastern time. We arrived in Saint Jerome, Quebec at 3:48 p.m. We visited here because my dads cousin that was born in Germany lives there. This was the first time my dad and all of us had ever met her. We stopped on the way to view the 1000 Islands Bridge at Hill Island, Ontario. We traveled 375 miles on this day.

On Sunday, November 6th we spent the day visiting Marion Jansen, my dads cousin. She drove us up north to Saint Sauveur, Saint Adele  and Sainte Agathe-des Monts. There was some pretty mountains there. Thank you Marion Jansen for a great adventure. 

On Monday, November 7th we left Saint Jerome, Quebec at 6:22 am. The traffic in Montreal, Quebec was a big mess. I really liked the tall mountains with the trees in New York state. We arrived in Baltimore, Maryland at 7:10 p.m. and this is where we spent the night. We traveled 585 miles on this day.

On Tuesday, November 8th we visited the US Capitol, Washington Monument, White House and the National Museum of Natural History. We walked a long time and my feet were tired. I really liked seeing the dinosaur bones and mammoths. After we were done in Washington DC we went back to our hotel in Baltimore, Maryland. Note! For the photos of this day click on the Nov 11-8-11 tab to the left of this page.

On Wednesday, November 9th we all attended the Municipal Mortgage & Equity, LLC annual meeting of shareholders and visited their office. After we attended the meeting we went to the Baltimore Science Center. I liked the dinosaur area the best.

On Thursday, November 10th we left Baltimore, Maryland at 9:00 am eastern time. We arrived in Morehead, Kentucky at 6:09 pm and this is where we spent the night. West Virginia had a lot of hills all through the state. We traveled 480 miles on this day.

On Friday, November 11th we left Moorehead, Kentucky at 8:31 am eastern time and we arrived home in Columbia, MO at 5:14 p.m. We traveled 530 miles on this day. Total miles traveled on this trip was 2989.

For a larger image just double click on the images below.

Andy at the Ontario Science Center.

Inside the Ontario Science Center.

Toronto Canada traffic.

Andy at Lake Ontario.

Photo taken from Port Credit, ON - Toronto in the background.

Lake Ontario from Port Credit, ON.

Mississauga, Ontario.

New condo building named "Marilyn Monroe Bldg." in Mississauga, Ontario. Do a search on google for "Marilyn Monroe Bldg." for photos, videos and info.

1000 Islands Bridge in Hill Island, Ontario at the St. Lawrence River.

The 1000 Island information.

Welcome to Quebec sign.

All of us with my dads cousin whom was born in Germany and lives in Saint Jerome, Quebec.This was the first time we all met her.

Sfnamcoes, Marion Jansen and Andy Janssen.

Countryside at Chemin du Mont-Gabriel, Quebec.

Saint-Sauveur, Quebec.

Saint-Sauveur, Quebec.

Saint-Sauveur, Quebec.

Saint-Sauveur Church.

Sfnamcoes and Andy being silly.

United States customs check-in station on I-87 South in New York state.

Whiteface Mountain-Wilmington Saranac Lake Region on I-87 South in New York State.

Whiteface Mountain-Wilmington Saranac Lake Region on I-87 South in New York State.

Blue Ridge-High Peak on I-87 South in New York state.

Blue Ridge-High Peak on I-87 South in New York state.

Welcome to New York state sign.

Welcome to New Jersey state sign.

City of Newark, New Jersey.

Maryland Science Center.

Inside the Maryland Science Center.

Andy under the Tyrannosaurus rex at the Maryland Science Center.

Andy under the Brontosaurus at the Maryland Science Center.

Andy at the Maryland Science Center.

City of Baltimore, Maryland.

Andy laying on a bed of nails at the Maryland Science Center. It did not hurt at all. They said that there was nine nails per square inch. So my weight was evenly distributed.

Welcome to West Virginia state sign on I-68 West.

Municipal Mortgage & Equity, LLC office.

Countryside in West Virginia on I-79 South.

Countryside in West Virginia on I-68 West.

City of Louisville, Kentucky on I-64 West.